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How-to guides to inspirit your next Star Action, Gift & Purpose - Initiate the Change, Big or Small
and the Importance of Drainage . . .
One of the important functions of drainage is the natural transport of waste products away from the tissues.
The human body contains five fluids essential to t...
If you are familiar with the fundamentals of the Phytobiodermie method (energetic skincare) practiced with the Swiss-made PHYTO5® energetic products, you understand the concept of the energetic season...
The human body contains five fluids essential to the proper healthy functioning of the body. They are: energy, red blood, lymph, blue blood and water. Stagnation of any of the fluids causes health iss...
 The final days of December aren't just home to the winter holidays. They are also host to the beginning of another Zodiac season. Represented by the sea goat, Capricorn is the tenth Zodiac sign. But ...
Using your Body Shape to Help Explain Health Challenges and Reverse Them
Morphology is the study of body shapes. Your physical appearance is the specific manifestation of the sum total of all hidde...
What is YULE?
Yule is the period traditionally celebrated between late December and the end of January, marking Winter on the Wheel of the Year. It is also one of the names given to the Winter Solsti...
Adapted for Tonya Dee's Courses, this guide offers a magical and meaningful way to welcome the New Year with intention and insight. This Celtic tradition, paired with the Germanic practice of Rauhnäch...
The seven colors that compose natural light also correspond to the energy of the seven major energetic centers of Ayurvedic medicine, or chakras.
 In holistic living, we have already begun to thin...
6 Powerful Tips for Aura Hygiene
“Get to know every square inch, every sensation, every end point and middle that your body has to offer, all that is inside, and all
Rosemary essential oil, a unique ingredient in many of PHYTO5’s holistic and Swiss-made Winter energetic skincare products and hair care line, works on the deepest levels of our physical vitality to p...
Most people suffer from some degree of dehydration which they are unaware of. The more you exercise and spend time outdoors in a dry climate, the more you dehydrate. Heated and air conditioned spaces ...
Are you aware that around 75 million Americans are dehydrated and most don’t even realize it? Aside from thirst, symptoms of dehydration include headaches, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, lethargy wi...