12 Magickal Days: Omen Days 2024
Dec 24, 2024
The final days of December aren't just home to the winter holidays. They are also host to the beginning of another Zodiac season. Represented by the sea goat, Capricorn is the tenth Zodiac sign. But don't be fooled its symbol, Capricorn is one of three earth signs. Those born under Capricorn are known for their big-picture perspective and level head. They are practical, realistic and disciplined.
This is a Shamanic perspective that incorporates Indigenous Spirit Technology. By setting our intentions, we can observe and collect signs and omens from our surroundings, which will assist us throughout the upcoming year. I will be sharing the collective messages for each month of the year 2024 on this platform. Make sure to visit daily to see the messages for the "Omen Days" in 2024.
Pay attention to Omens (signs, symbols, sigils, animals, songs, numbers, etc.) during each of these thirteen days. Anything that you experience during Omen days are symbolic of each month arriving in the upcoming year. (For example, I couldn't find my coffee cup this morning, so I brewed another one. The message was to "stop focusing on what I am looking for, and it will appear!" Soon as I brewed the next cup, wha la - I found the one I was searching for.)
As Nature is all around us. Setting the Stage for the upcoming year, a divining tool - setting our intentions during this time of the year, "days out of time." As you have set your intentions, the 13 wishes - at the beginning of each day, be open to accept & receive. As this will give you insight and clarity to the path ahead, assistance from the otherworld (Ancestors, Angels, Beings of the Unseen, Animal Totems, etc.).
I have gathered various tools for this ritual, and you can also get creative and add your own. There are many inspired tools available for us to use. In my case, I have brought bay leaves with runes. You can choose whatever resonates with your soul and activates your spirit. Personally, I find nature and the unseen to be powerful sources. The key is to trust and allow, while remaining observant. Trust in the Universe to provide the omen you need each day. Trust in your own gift and intuition. When you feel that you have received your daily omen, trust that the universe, the Great Spirit, will deliver it to you. Have faith in the intricate weaving of your destiny, as if the Universe is always blessing you.
Right it down in your a journal thru these first 13 days. I am using a "13 Moon Journal" - as a Reflector, following the moon. Hahaha . . .