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Living in Harmony with the Energies of Autumn

Sep 26, 2024

There are three months of autumn, they denote taking in and balance.The qi of heaven becomes tense.

 The qi of the earth becomes bright.

Go to rest early and rise early,

get up together with the chicken.

Let the mind be peaceful and tranquil,

so as to temper the punishment carried out in autumn.

Collect the spirit qi and cause the autumn qi to be balanced.

Do not direct your mind to the outside and

cause the lung qi to be clear.

This is correspondence with the qi of autumn and

it is the Way to nourish gathering.

Opposing it harms the lung…”

— from The Neijing Suwen

In Chinese medicine, the Metal element is aligned with the energy of Autumn. In order to better understand this concept, visualize a majestic snow-capped mountain, itself composed of minerals of all kinds. Its base is wide and firmly rooted to the earth and at the same time it reaches upward with authority and might towards the heavens.

Keep in mind this metaphor of the mountain as you realize that Metal:

  • gives us our sense of quality and value
  • offers us an avenue for looking at the majesty that lies beyond ourselves
  • extends to us the power to let go as it returns to us our essence
  • represents a paternal energy.

Our inner attributes of the Metal element give us a sense of self-worth.



Metal is meant to be the period of tranquility of our conduct.

Metal reflects back to us our core issues, the most refined aspect of ourselves. Even if we don’t have a particular affinity for Metal, we are all called to deal with our core issues during Metal/Fall.

People with an affinity for Metal tend to to be drawn to beauty. They enjoy symmetry and find inspiration in purity.

Metal qualities include fortitude, independence, focus, intensity, righteousness, fluency in speech, determination and power.

Metal types inevitably learn the importance of becoming less opinionated, accepting change, and letting go of the past. Metal types tend to dwell on the past if they are unaware so they need to be attentive to the action of letting go.

In TCM, the emotion of grief is associated with Metal. The challenge is to express grief and then let it go otherwise it can fester into persistent negativity and abject sadness.

There is often an acute awareness of time passing and growing old in the Fall. Know that this is part of the energy of the season. Just let those thoughts go without dwelling on them.

In Fall, the Metal element is at its peak and particularly responsive to treatment. At this time of year, if we are out of Metal balance either physically, mentally or spiritually, the season’s energies are very much supportive of bringing us back into Metal balance. The energies of the season can support the replenishing of depleted mineral stores in the body and/or bringing Metal back into balance mentally and spiritually.

Metal governs human behaviors such as organization, order, communication, the mind, setting and protecting boundaries.

Now is the time to explore the following for your best harmonious energetic Fall experience:

  1. Engage in self-evaluation.
  2. Be open to new experiences; let go of always only what is familiar.
  3. Stand up for what is right.
  4. Follow your heart.
  5. Persevere through challenges.
  6. Take action even if you’re fearful; embrace hope.
  7. Consolidate and begin storing energy for the upcoming Winter months.
  8. Take time to meditate.
  9. Speak only when necessary; stop the small talk.
  10. Exercise your will calmly and quietly.
  11. Contain yourself and behave with a degree of restraint.
  12. Gather your soul and spirit together; explore your core issues.
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