#716: The Imaginal Realm with Dr. Amber Tariq
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This weeks Guest Audio Artist is Dr. Amber Tariq, she has been a practicing physician since 2005, and recently turned into a "Depth Coach!" She has a passion for Depth Psychology, Dreams and the Imagination! (Sounds like my Avenue!)
She loves sparking conversations that are insightful and pose those self-reflective quesitons. She is enthusiastic about connecting the world behind the world, through the imagination, and honoring that connection to bring peace and prosperity to our communities.
To continue on and connect with Amber you can find the links below. You can also Direct Message her on Intstagram and Facebook too!!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amber.tariq.7/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ambertariq_depth.coaching/
Website: https://ambertariq.com Email: [email protected]
If you are curious and feel called to explore the Imaginal Realm, I have options for YOU!! 👇👇👇
To Monetarily Support the Show, or Buy Tonya a cup of coffee - you know she is all about options: