#701: The Hidden History of Humanity with Tim Kelly
Welcome to the First Episode of the Season of the Witch, the theme for the 2023 Year! In the Dagara Cosmology, years ending in 3 or 8, are years of Nature. I have already done the Nature of Series (2018 - I believe), so we coined 2023 as the Season of Witches. I could have gone with a year of transformation, shift or change - more importantly a year of Authenticity.
This Year is going to be full of Podcast Interviews from all sorts of Musing Avenues.
Who Is Tim Kelly? He is the founder of Polytope Press, and Author of Natural Healing and Self-Empowerment. A powerful health book, as it teaches not only the way to eliminate all diseases, allergies, and even the common cold, but also how to regenerate the Human body, like restoring hair color, hair volume, nails, vision, etc. through innovations of blood building.
He has also authored the Optiflex booklet, teaching people how to attain optimal fitness at home using zero equipment. Additionally he has written the history text, Hidden History of Humanity, revealing sweeping new insights from Atlantis to present, as well as designing a Three-Dimensional periodic table of the elements, developing purposeful comformation theory as an alternative to creationism and evolution to explain the origins of species, and writing articles promoting the technology to enable independent homesteads, plus the ideal production system: the template economy. He has also written multiple novels.
We muse about:
The Solar System and the many unnatural features. Interference in the Solar System. How life originated on the planet. Aliens? Atlantis, and more. Along with other fascinating mind musing, staying curious and questioning everything opportunities.
The image on the podcast is a symbol talked about in the show. His work on the atom was built on the groundwork of R Buckminster Fuller, who suggested that nucleons (protons and neutrons) could best be modeled by assuming their actual three dimensional shape is a rhombic dodecahedron--a twelve sided figure where each facet is a rhombus.
On a computer he modeled an atomic nucleus by creating rhombic dodecahedra and packing them together. They pack perfectly with zero space left over. When I completed my design and viewed it from just the right angle, I saw the following shape, which may be the first time humanity has glimpsed the beautiful core of all atoms.
If you would like to get in touch with Tim you can find him here: http://polytope.www1.50megs.com/
Here is the page showing a small summary of Hidden History of Humanity: http://polytope.www1.50megs.com/science.html
If you scroll down the page you can find links to papers on the work on the 3d Periodic Table/Grand Icosahedron of the Elements, and also also on Conformation Theory, which explains how vibrations and music are the driving force in the origins of species.
Here is a link to a paper he has written on the template economy, so people can finally live freely and independently: http://polytope.www1.50megs.com/tte.html
A link to the health book: http://polytope.www1.50megs.com/health3.html
And if your Soul is feeling inspired, here is a gratitude link, which is always appreciated.
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