Get Your Favorite Plant Protein for

Green Smoothies and more!

Start Shifting Your Essential Spirit

Changing Optimal Vitality at any age is part of Transforming Lives - to and by, Incorporating a Nutrient Dense Product for Better Health and Well-Being ~ Maintenance. Getting to a Place and Maintaining Optimal Health and Wellness through Pure Plant Nutrition. 

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Drink your Salad

I see the Body as an Energetic Essence first, and your Physical Body as Matter, or a Place to House your Spirit. Being an Essence First, doesn't it make sense to feed that Essence Vitality through the Nutrients found in Plant Life? Feeding the Body food that has Zero to no Vitality - Processed Foods - Endangers the Spirit and your Life Force!

If you find that you are continually Sluggish, Have no Energy, Feel Depleted and so MUCH more -- Your Essence, that Inner Sacred Garden, needs tending too. Transforming Your "Relationship" to Food and the Nutritional Value of what you intake, can, and often times does, shift your Entire Energy Being. I generally, start my Friends, Guests and Clients on a Pathway of consuming Plant-Based Green Smoothies, cleaning the Clutter of Toxins and Debris in the Body, along with SO MUCH MORE!

To Start the Change take a 30 Day Challenge of Simply going Kermit the FROG Green Style!

Essential Oils 

Utilize Essential Oils to uplift your environment and over-all well-being

Explore Essential Oils

Energetic Skincare

Balance your skin and your body with a Skin Care Line based on the Energy Medicine, Elements and Subtle Energy Body!

Check Out Elemental Lines

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Are you ready to be a mindful eater?

 Grab my Mindful eating guide for helpful guidelines to establish healthful nutritional habits for optimal Wellness.
Includes Three Mindful Eating Recipes!

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