Essential Oils


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Energy of Plants


The Essential Energy of Plants is captured in Essential Oils and Blends of EssentialOils. I use and Recommend DoTerra Essential Oils, along with the "Quantum" Phyt'Ether's of Phyto 5's Energetic Skin Products


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 The "DIY" Collection 

If you enjoy creating and blending your own essential oils for body and self continue here and learn a Variety of "DIY' combinations

Go To "DIY"



If you are the kind of person that LOVES to create in the kitchen, here are some idea's for some healthy treats, smoothies and more for your mind, body, and soul.


A Little "Kitchen" Witch

Get to know yourself. You’ll learn how to tune it all out and turn your attention inward.

Create Roller-Bottles

Play and Create your own custom blends. Scents in a Roller! Learn  how to incorporate it into your daily routine.


Use nature as a Natural Remedy to bring bliss to your Being!

Cowry Shell Divination 


A Cowry Shell Divination is a Powerful and Ancient Shamanistic Divination Tool. It provides a timeless view of the "Energy" you currently carry and offers a clear pathway for you to achieve your Dreams and Aspirations.

In addition to identifying the obstacles that are currently holding you back from your greater self, assisting you in turning the light on to the path of positive direction for you, along with finding solutions that will overcome these obstacles to connect you to your Genius.

Schedule a one on one divination session with Tonya Dee and discover your inner genius!

Schedule a Divination

A Witchers Way to Manifestation

Learn how to Monetize your Medicine by utilizing your most powerful tool, so that manifesting and creating the life you dream of - becomes a reality. 

All Manifestations, and I mean ALL -  come from the center of our Star, our Heart Channel.  That right there is the Prime Directive to your essence, our beingness.  Whatever it is, that your heart authentically desires: 

  • New Love
  • A Relationship 
  • A Career
  • A House
  • A Cabin in the Woods.

When you Master Your Energy Vibration, you begin to be in your organic flow, so that you attract what you authentic desire - Heart Driven! 

Discover 30 PLUS Action Packed Phases on your Witchers Way to Manifestation 

Begin the Journey to Authentic Manifesting


elevate your ritual

Eager to boost your magickal routine, strengthen your protection, and escalate your magickal capabilities?

Creating and Crafting your own magical essential oil blends, with some of my favorite essential oils:  basil, bergamot, black pepper, cardamom, cedarwood, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, frankincense, ginger, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, myrrh, orange, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, star anise, tea tree, thyme, vanilla, ylang-ylang. 

Join the Membership or Online Coven for more Ritual insights to add to our ever growing library. 

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