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Musing Thoughts

Newsletter Features

How-to guides to inspirit your next Star Action, Gift & Purpose - Initiate the Change, Big or Small

A Simple Guide for Self-Improvement in 2024 cleansing emotions energy healing meditation nutrition spiritual Jan 02, 2024


Who doesn't want growth? Real Growth? In all aspects of your life? From the Foods we Eat, to the Work we Perform, the Environment we surround ourselves in, our Abundance and Prosperity? and...

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Transcending the Emotion of Fear emotions fear winter season Dec 22, 2022

Energetic Winter

The Kidneys are the Root of Life, Regeneration and Vitality

During the winter months all things in nature wither, hide, return home, and enter a resting period, just as lakes and...

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Emotions of Energetic Winter emotions water winter season Dec 15, 2022

Along the trail’s edge

beside a sparkling river

in the willow shade,

I lingered to take a nap—

lingered, and I’m still here.

—A Japanese Zen Poem, translated by Sam Hamill


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Why not Tune In - "Musing with Tonya Dee" Podcast

 Positive, Energetic & Enlightening Listening 

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