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What to Expect When You Detox

Sep 19, 2024

Probably the greatest area of misunderstanding during detoxification is how to understand and interpret properly the symptoms and changes that occur as your body nutritional status improves. You are introducing foods of higher quality in place of lower quality ones both in your diet and in your concentrated nutrition that is part of most programs. This increases the vital energy that your body uses in producing new and healthier cells and tissues. You are also eliminating the effects of potentially toxic substances that we all indulge in such as coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco, salt, nicotine and alcohol.

The essence of detoxification is that the higher the quality of food that you ingest, the quicker you will recover from disease and the healthier your body will be as you age. Part of this is learning which foods are the healthiest for you. This is the purpose of Food For Healing, Food For Life. I find that “Eating Right for Your Blood Type” and the Principles of Chinese Medicine, “Staying Healthy with the Seasons,”  are both great resources that I utilize and recommend. These books can help you determine the optimal diet for your health and for the future. Not only are foods examined for your body health, but also which foods to be eaten at which meals, how much of each food is optimal and how often you should be eating.

As you begin these dietary changes, remarkable things will begin to happen to the body as well as the mind. The amazing intelligence present in your body cells and tissues immediately begins to become apparent. This is what is natural the nutritional evolution of your bodies cells and tissues. The body is very selective and always aims for better health. The body will always try to produce health as long as we provide it with what it needs to do that. The self-curing nature of many conditions, such as colds, fevers, cuts, swellings, injuries, etc., furnishes endless examples of how the body tends towards health – always – unless we interfere with that process.

So what symptoms would be common during this period of time? When the use of toxic stimulants like coffee, tea, chocolate or nicotine is suddenly stopped, headaches are common and a letdown occurs. This is due to the removal by the body of the numerous toxins that we have stored in our tissues from our food, the air, our environment and the various chemicals that we are exposed to every day. In order for these materials to be removed by the body, they have to be recognized by the immune system as toxins which occur as they are removed from storage. In other words, they return to an active state which stimulates our body's defenses.

The thing that helps to dissolve, neutralize and remove these toxins is Kangen Water„  This amazing water is highly alkaline, antioxidant and micro clustered. This allows for it to be absorbed at a cellular level, helping to undo years of dehydration and distress caused by more acidic beverages and foods. You should be drinking ½ your body weight in ounces per day for maximum effect. 

Inflammation, pain, swelling, fever, nausea, congestion, headaches, skin breakouts, mood swings, fatigue, restlessness can all be a replay of the original symptoms we experienced when we were first exposed to these elements. These symptoms would have dissipated once our body stored and deactivated these substances. But in order to return to optimal health, our body has to finally remove these offending substances and until they are removed, our body will react to their presence.

If you experience these symptoms, we recommend adding therapies such as colonics, acupuncture and the Detoxifying ~ Earth Treatments in order to speed the release of these materials and reduce the symptoms of cleansing. With these therapies, the symptoms will usually reduce within a week.

During this period of time your body energy, which are usually in the periphery or external part of the body, such as the muscles and skin, begin to move to the vital internal organs and areas of elimination.  This shift of much of the power to the internal organs produces a feeling of less energy in the muscles, which the mind interprets as some weakness. Your body energy is required for detoxifying your body tissues and rebuilding the more important organs. This means the best thing you can do is to stop wasting crucial energy and allow yourself to rest and sleep more. This is a very important aspect of detoxification and if you resort to stimulants or pain killers of any kind, you will abort and defeat the regenerative intent of the body.  It is important that you have patience and faith and just wait it out, and after awhile you will get increasing strength and energy which will exceed by far what you felt before you began the program.

As you continue through the process, more and more waste material will be eliminated and you will not only lose weight, but your body composition will also change. This is a time for body catabolism and it will lead to body stabilization. Once your weight and energy stabilize, you have reached a new plateau of health. This is when the amount of waste material being discarded is equal to the amount of tissue which is being formed and replaced by the newer, more vital food. You will even find that you require less food and that your body honestly prefers healthier foods.

The best part is that these changes are permanent. As the toxic material is removed, its effects on the body go with it. That also means that symptoms that may have plagued you for years, which began as part of the deposition of toxic material to begin with, will cease as their instigating source is removed.

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