The Shaman Healing Academy
Oct 25, 2022
The Shaman Healing Academy, the SHA in the Medium, is Premiering a Membership and also a Mentorship, which is offering ALL the courses Tonya has created (and will create) on Magic, Medicine, Ritual Practices, currently including:
- The Energy Body DeMystified: The Foundations to Healing - $888 Unlocked!
- Soliciting Solitude: A Growing Meditation Library - $111 Unlocked!
- Love the Skin You're In: Become Heart Centric in this Mini-Series - $222
- A Witchers Way to Manifestation: Learn how to Monetize your Medicine, in this 40-Day Immersion to Manifestation - $397 Coming February 2023
- Uncover Secrets of the OtherWorld: the Elemental World, the Gateway to the Imagination, the Shamans Portal, and more! - $444 Coming Soon!
- Voices of the OtherWorld: A follow up to Secrets of the Otherworld, connecting with the beings of the Unseen World who can assist us, so that we become an Ally working with them to align in a new way of being! - $777 Coming Soon After Secrets of the OtherWorld!
This Opportunity Also comes with:
- A Private Community, a Village: To Commune and Ask Questions (Private Group on Facebook and a Shaman Village in the Portal)
- (Over 11) Recorded Sessions (Video & Audio)
- Written Materials to Support You
- Numerous Meditations and Rituals to Support you
- Experiential Opportunities
- And the BONUSES are AMAZING!!
- Bonus 1 - The First 20 people to Sign UP, get a FREE 15-minute Intuitive Divination Session with me! (Value $75)
- Bonus 2 - All Members will get Soliciting Solitude FREE (Value $111)
This $1296 value is only $55 per month for Membership Access for the next 4 days ONLY! (Monthly Mentorship Access is separate)
I am adding SO much more to the SHAman Healing Academy - including Monthly Group Sessions, Rituals & More!
Sign up today and you will get an email from me, with more details.
Tonya Dee