The Role of the Spleen
May 02, 2024
The spleen is the Yin organ of the pair of organs associated with the Earth element and the Earth energetic season.
It’s part of the lymphatic system and plays several very important roles in the human body.
In moms-to-be, the spleen begins producing the embryos blood cells gradually leaving the job to the mother's bone marrow.
It captures malfunctioning, abnormal or old red blood cells and expels them.
It recycles iron in red blood cells to create new healthy red blood cells.
The spleen controls digestion. It assimilates your foods nutrients (also known as food essence or jingwei in TCM) which are then conveyed throughout the body via lung, heart and blood vessels.
It absorbs water and then transports it through the body via lung, heart and urinary bladder to maintain normal water metabolism.
It helps to protect the body from infections by producing white blood cells (macrophages and lymphocytes) which travel to the infected parts of the body.
The spleen produced antibodies which help fight infections.
Lymph fluid* passes through the spleen where germs and other foreign bodies are captured by white blood cells.
Spleen is actually involved in mental activities. It affects intention which can be weakened by mental strain. Mental turmoil, poor memory, and irritability may be a result of an impaired spleen energy.
When the spleen is functioning normally, it is able to promote the energy required by muscles and limbs and the body exhibits vitality.
Spleen participates with the other energies of the body which it irrigates and moistens.
*Lymph:a colorless fluid containing white blood cells that bathes the tissues and drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream via the venous circulation
In the Inbetween Season of Elemental Earth, the Fall InBetween Season, October 21st to November 7th,
The Earth element is associated with balance and transition such as Indian summer. It corresponds to the spleen, pancreas and stomach, the organs of digestion and nutrition. The color is yellow and the emotions are worry and sympathy. Earth people tend to be very nurturing and caring.
It’s the perfect time to:
Choose smart sugars like apples, carrots, dates, figs, grapes, peaches, pears, squash and sweet potatoes.
Eat mindfully by paying attention to portions and slowing down when you eat. This is wonderful for the spleen.
Make dinner for your friends. This time of year is all about community and mealtime.
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