The 18 Days of Transition: July 20 & How You Can Glide Through Them
Jul 16, 2024
Soon, we will enter into the Earth energetic season lasting from July 20 to August 6 according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
This is the 18 days when TCM principles indicate the energy of the Fire element in Summer returns to earth.” At this particular time of year, it does so in order to be transformed into the energy of the Metal element for upcoming Fall beginning August 7.
This concept of transitional seasons repeats another three times during the other three transitional periods in the year from one season to another. Together, those four periods of 18 days each every 12 months constitute the full Earth energetic season, the fifth energetic season of TCM.
The Earth season is particularly important as it is a still point in the yin/yang dance of energy throughout the year. In particular, from July 20 to August 6, the yang of Wood (Spring season) and of Fire (Summer season) has faded, and the yin energy of Metal (Fall season) that will peak during Water (Winter season) is poised to rise.
The color for Earth is yellow.
Yellow fruit and vegetables are highly recommended to consume during the transitional Earth season in order to be more in alignment with the energy of the season.
A more toxic body condition found more in some people than in others is what TCM refers to as an Earth condition, or imbalance.
Earth imbalance in the skin usually manifests as:
- blemishes, toxicity, acne, psoriasis, enlarged pores
- heavy looking hair, pimples on scalp
- lymph circulation problems (Lymph is the fluid associated with Earth.)
Acne is an Earth condition that needs to be treated with targeted Earth skincare and therapies. Severe conditions will require a pointed series of treatments to balance the energetic root cause. Drainage of the lymph is essential, not only on the face but also all over the body, especially in severe cases of acne. The condition of acne tends to flare up during the four yearly transitional periods described above (the Earth season).
Lymph drainage is essential.
When waste does not fully migrate out of cells, we manifest the most typical cellulite an Earth energy deficiency. Cells have become increasingly more bloated with waste material. The condition is aggravated when there is already too much waste in the interstitial fluid. In this case also, lymph drainage is sorely required.
Although there are a few contraindications for lymph drainage, it is safe to say that, in general, most people will benefit from regular drainage, particularly people of the Earth type. A good drainage gives instantly visible results making lymphatic drainage a worthwhile spa treatment.
If your body is very toxic which is very common with Earth types, it is advised to do the entire body in two or more sessions as toxins released too quickly over a large surface might induce fatigue and headaches. It is always imperative for everyone to drink plenty of water before and after any body drainage treatment.
The energetic drainage is not painful at all. In fact, it is considered very pleasant and relaxing. Most people feel quite rejuvenated at the end of the treatment.
In light therapy, also known as chromatherapy by PHYTO5®, we use blue light to target the fluid of Earth, lymph, with our award-winning light technologies.
The morphology* associated with Earth can be described as:
- good proportions between upper and lower body (yin and yang in balance).
- likely to develop a belly
- thinking type with stable demeanor
- can be nervous when problems occur
- sensitive to humidity.
The elements in TCM are also associated with epochs in our lives. Earth tends to be the time for more mature adults while Fire, for example, is the time of young adulthood.
The PHYTO5® facial for the transitional periods between seasons/Earth element addresses energetic imbalance with two energetically potent products the high vibration. Earth Serum (Phyt'Ether) and Yellow Colored Clay Mask
Spleen and stomach are the organs of the Earth seasons.
Spleen has a critical and ongoing management function in Chinese medicine converting and distributing energy from nourishment. It also regulates lymph flow, a major actor in toxin removal from tissues and a critical function of the immune defense system.
Earth is a time to regain our physical and psychological balance and to be prepared to sustain the energetic influences of the next season.
Indeed, during each of the other four seasons, either yin or yang will be on the rise or on the decline.
Each one of us will react to the changes in our own particular ways that can lead to imbalance, but Earth provides the perfect time to detoxify both our physical body and our mental/emotional one. It is the time to be grounded, and to cherish our CHI.
*Morphology is the study of body shapes. Your physical appearance is the specific manifestation of the sum total of all hidden and subtle energetic influences at work within you what you were born with as well as what results from where and how you live your life. While there is an infinite number of body shapes, they can be classified according to TCM into five groups based on specific characteristics. To each of the five elements corresponds a body type a specific morphology.
Quantum Energetic Skin & Body Care is a game-changer for health and vitality from the inside out! Ready to make the switch to your natural elemental line?