Reaping the Benefits of the Earth's Gift
Apr 25, 2024
Imagine a simple force of nature that can: Provide you with a feeling of well-being; offer a quick rush of energy; allow you to sleep better; relieve asthma, allergies, and other respiratory disorders; lower blood pressure.
Sounds crazy, but it’s true, and it’s something that a drug company cannot sell you.
The healing power of negative ions first became known to the public in 1900, when a young engineering genius named Nikola Tesla published an article about the amazing work he had been doing with electricity. Using his new invention, the Tesla Coil, he was able to transmit several hundred thousand volts through the air instead of using wires.
Even more remarkable, he was able to send the current through this own body without harm. In so doing, he noted that his exposure had a beneficial effect on his body. The effect that Tesla reported was the direct result of negative ions.
Now, over a century later, researchers understand the science behind the phenomenon that Tesla experienced.
Mindell, Earl.The Happiness Effect: The Positive Benefits of Negative Ions.1st ed. New Hyde Park, New York: Square One, 2015. Print.
The healing effects of negative ion therapy were discovered Alexander Chizhevsky (1897-1964), Russian biophysicist. He founded heliobiology (the study of the suns effect on biology) and aero-ionization (the study of the effect of ionization of air on biological entities) and invented the first negative ion generator.
Negative ionization of the air is now mandatory in many Russian and European hospitals and workplaces.
Here are just some of the enormous benefits of negative ion charged environments. Negative ions help to:
- detoxify impurities from the skin and lymph by deeply penetrating the skin
- reduce inflammation by defusing excess positive electrons
- lessen chronic pain
- increase physical energy
- speed healing and shorten recovery time
- support adrenal health
- strengthen the skeletal system
- balance the nervous system
- combat free radicals in bloodstream
- lower stress hormones resulting in a more calm demeanor and better relaxation
- normalize biological rhythms such as Circadian
- regulate blood flow and blood pressure or where necessary, decrease blood pressure; improve the function of the cardiovascular system
- improve the function of the cilia in your respiratory tract which protect your lungs from irritation and inflammation; this reduces colds, flu, asthma and the symptoms of hay fever
- relieve headaches and muscle tension
- lessen menstrual and menopausal symptoms
- eliminate jet lag
- provide protection from EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies)
- clear the air of mold spores, pollen, pet dander, odors, cigarette smoke, bacteria, viruses, dust and other hazardous airborne particles; negative ions achieve this by attaching to the positively charged particles of the pollutants mentioned in large numbers.
- overcome depression (many view them as a natural anti-depressant)
- elevate a sense of well-being
- increase productivity
- enhance mental clarity by increasing oxygen flow to the brain
- achieve better rest and sleep
- stimulate plant growth
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