Quantum and Conscious Nature of Water
Dec 27, 2023
Many of you probably know about the fascinating work of the late Masaru Emoto, the Japanese researcher who proved that water responds to our emotions and thoughts. With a substantial number of experiments in the 90s, Emoto clearly demonstrated that frozen crystals of water take on different forms according to what the water has experienced before the crystallization. Some of his key work was outlined in a number of books, particularly, The Hidden Message of Water, and The True Power of Water. There are also many video clips about Emoto’s work, such as: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8
A contemporary of Emoto was the French researcher and immunologist Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004) who discovered that molecules of water could store and transport electromagnetic vibrations which has enormous medical consequences. Unfortunately, he was ridiculed by the scientific establishment that could not break away from a traditional myopic view of water. Here is one of many links on Benveniste’s work: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWYlMSHOGBw
A couple of decades later, and after his death, Benveniste was recognized for the enormous discovery he had made. In particular, his work was justified by another French virologist, Luc Montagnier (born 1932), who received a Nobel Prize in medicine for his co-discovery and identification of the HIV virus. The eminent researcher was seeking a definitive cure for AIDS and it led him to work with water. From the British website of the Institute of Science in Society, we read:
When Noble laureate HIV researcher Luc Montagnier discovered that certain bacterial and viral DNA sequences dissolved in water causes electromagnetic signals to be emitted at high dilutions, that was bad enough (see [1, 2] ‘Homeopathic’ Signals from DNA and Electromagnetic Signals from HIV, SiS 48). Now, new results from his lab appear to show that the DNA sequence itself could be reconstituted from the electromagnetic signal. That has so stunned the scientific community that one prominent supporter was nonetheless moved to remark: “Luc is either a genius or he is mad!” But some quantum physicists are taking that very seriously, and are linking Montagnier’s findings to decades of research demonstrating the sensitivity of organisms to extremely weak electromagnetic fields.
Here is a link to the video demonstrating his discovery: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8VyUsVOic0
All of this is quite interesting on several levels:
- We see again the resistance of the establishment, be it scientific or other, to new ideas that might lead to a paradigm shift. This mental inertia is often motivated by economic concerns—in this case, the risk to Big Pharma that this type of study will lead to cheap ways to medicate and heal.
- Additionally, we see the tendency to ridicule and make personal attacks against any proponent of ideas that are inconvenient or possibly challenging to economic interests. Often these attacks are aimed simply to damage reputation.
- There is also the tendency of science to think it already knows all that is fundamental to reality and that the work that remains is in the details or their application and not in what is considered to be the fundamentals. And yet, significant scientific advances generally require the toppling of concepts eventually proven wrong.
- But for those of us interested in vital energy we see again the validation by quantum physics and quantum chemistry that there is more to the body and its functions than what is generally regarded as fundamental truth by most of the medical community which is ignorant or resistant to the idea of a subtle vital energy carrying information to all cells of the body.
- Consider that the human body is at least 70% water and even higher in most organs and 90% in the brain. Then consider the new knowledge that water carries information in the form of barely detectable electromagnetic waves but so potent that it can reproduce the specific DNA of a substance it was in prior contact with so long as it has the building blocks of DNA material!
- There is a lot we still do not know! Yet the evidence is growing that the wisdom of the ancient pioneers of energy medicine have certainly proven prophetic.
1. Ho MW. ‘Homeopathic’ siganls from DNA. Science in Society 48, 36-39, 2010.
2. Ho MW. Electromagnetic signals from HIV. Science in Society 48, 40-43, 2010.
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