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Go to the Mother to be Healed

May 09, 2024


Earth is like an incubation chamber.

Earth is where we live and move and have our being. It’s where we are born, grow, experience, make mistakes, learn from our mistakes, create, and ultimately and hopefully, come face to face with love and joy.

Living on planet Earth isn’t always easy, but this ground we walk on, this living entity we call our home, is filled with every resource and life-giving support we could ask for.

Earth, like a mother, is a vehicle for life yet she also sustains and supports as on our journeys through life.

Like human mothers, Mother Earth, feeds us corporeally. She abundantly produces all the high spectrum nourishment we could possibly need to live well, just as mother sustains the embryo and then fetus in the womb.

Mother Earth keeps us warm, offering crops, flora and elements from which to make clothing and shelter. She provides fire and radiates to us the heat she absorbs daily from the sun.

Similar to the amniotic fluid of a mother’s womb, Mother Earth gives us water, minerals and salts to sustain life. These salts mixed with fresh water can serve to flush and detoxify our bodies helping to keep us healthy and vibrant.

In ancient Greek mythology the philosophers and poets wrote about Gaia, also known as the Earth Goddess, and they recognized the enormous vital importance of thalassa, the sea, and the source of all life in their writings.

Mother Earth lays before us all of nature as one giant chamber of serenity into which we can retreat for solitude and quiet in the same way the babe inside the mother’s womb lives in buoyant quietude. When we feel one with nature, we feel safe and protected just as mother and child are one and the soon to be born infant feels safe and protected.

The Earth Mother shares her unseen vital energy and vibratory frequency with us for our sustenance and healing. It is impregnated into every flower, plant and sentient being on the planet. There is nothing on planet earth that is not imbued with this energy and vibration. Even the inanimate rock is made of atoms alive with revolving electrons and vibration. And the human mother does the same. Throughout the time of pregnancy, she freely and joyfully surrounds her unborn child with her vital energy and vibratory frequency.

And ultimately, Mother Earth is giver of love. We can feel this love if we pause and tune in, if we walk more slowly barefoot on the ground or stop to truly feel the breeze blow across our faces. Love is the essence of all life and synonymous with Mother. And similarly, without the human mother even breathing a word to her child inside the womb, the tiny fetus knows it is loved by its mother.

A mother is magnanimous, and when we stop and think about it, the Earth is magnanimous too. She never abandons us. Even when subjected to violence and abuse, Mother Earth continues to revolve, give and sustain life while she explores ways to renew herself and waits for all of us children to assist her merely by respecting her sacred existence. In devotion, human mothers love their children even when they’ve done things we might think would warrant abandonment.

Indigenous people around the world still live according to codes that honor and respect the Earth Mother and its laws, the foundation of which affirms that the source of all life is the earth and mother of all creation. They consciously choose to live in harmony with flora and fauna, the stars, the climate and Earth’s sacred geography.

Indigenous peoples easily know what it takes many of us more effort to know. They know that the Earth Mother is the core of the Universe and our culture and the source of our identity as a race.

During this period between energetic seasons, the time of the Earth element and the days approaching Mother’s Day, why not intend to expand our view and understanding of the season and be very thoughtful in our giving to both the mothers we know and love and our Earth Mother as well?

The rocks remain.

The Earth remains.

I die and put my bones in the cave or the Earth.

Soon, my bones will become the Earth.

Then will my spirit return to my land, my Mother.

–Gagudju Aboriginal People of Australia

The Great Spirit is our father, but the earth is our mother.

She nourishes us; that which we put into the ground she returns to us, and healing plants she gives us likewise. If we are wounded we go to our mother and seek to lay the wounded part against her, to be healed…

– Big Thunder of the Wabanakis Nation, circa 1900


Kemf, Elizabeth, and Edmund Hillary. Indigenous Peoples and Protected Areas: The Law of Mother Earth. London: Earthscan, 1993. Print.

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