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Expose Yourself to the Earths Healing

May 02, 2024

8 Environments to Expose Yourself to Earth’s Healing Negative Ions

Following our recent e-newsletters on the Fall energetic season, lets dive deeper into just one of the ways we can get the most out of the beautiful season we are in: Exposing ourselves to earths gift of negative ions.

Created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, ultraviolet rays, the vital energy of plants and moving air and water, negative ion are not harmful even if their concentration is high. In fact, they are highly beneficial for our health!

Offices, factories, and shopping malls are places where we will encounter an excess of positive ions.

We should very frequently expose ourselves to places with very high concentrations (tens of thousands) of negative ions such as these:

 Mountains, Parks, waterfalls/water fountains/your bathroom shower, springs, beaches/pounding surfs, forests (especially pine forests), moving air/wind, dirt/earth

Along with placing ourselves in nature settings teeming with negative ions, here are some other creative activities you can do to generate negative ions right in your home or office environment:

  1. Burn beeswax candles; they are said to clean the air, produce negative ions and assist with allergy and asthma reduction.
  2. Operate a Himalayan salt lamp wherever you spend a good deal of time in your home; they counteract the electronic vibrations and excessive positive ions caused by electronic devices in the home; the heated salt attracts and absorbs water in the air and then evaporates it; the salt mixes with the water molecules creating a solution: the positively charged ions of sodium and the negatively charged ions of chloride become neutral and are released into your environment; this reduces pollutants, irritants and allergens from the air.
  3. Run an indoor fountain; the force or energy of falling or splashing water causes the neutral particles in air to split which frees electrons to attach to other air molecules resulting in negative ions.
  4. Have amethyst and tourmaline crystals nearby or wear them; tourmaline is believed to convert moisture from the air to negative ions; amethyst is considered to be similar in nature.
  5. Surround yourself with plants; they clean the air by taking in carbon dioxide and breathing out fresh oxygen and many negative ions; some plants release higher levels of negative ions than others (best choices are chrysanthemum, coconut palm, gerbera, spider plant and weeping fig) Read more:
  6. Use radiant heating from far infrared devices (they warm the body and not the air) and emit negative ions.
  7. Sit in front of bon- or hearth fires; they creative negative ions, too.
  8. Walk barefoot or use earthing/grounding inserts in your shoes; try earthing sandals (see; coming into direct contact with Earth, your body is suffused with negative ions and aligns to the same electric energy level as the earth.


There are more ions in the WOODS than in the FIELD; more on a SUNNY day than on a CLOUDY day; and more where the ground has a high RADIOACTIVE content. PLANTS are nature’s most prolific source of negative ions for they conduct the negative energy of the earth into the air by ejecting it from the tips of their leaves. We are told that “there are life-giving properties in the BALSAM of the PINE, in the FRAGRANCE of the CEDAR and the FIR, and other TREES also have properties that are HEALTH-RESTORING….

One potted plant per 100 square feet of floor space can help clean the air in the average home or office…. 15 to 20 potted plants of the right variety, such as PHILODENDRONS, SPIDER PLANTS, ALOE VERA, PEACE LILIES, CORN PLANTS, POTTED IVY, SNAKEPYANTS, and FLOWERING BANANAS would do the work of a good high-efficiency air cleaner in purifying the air in a room.

Paulien, Gunther B. The Divine Prescription and Science of Health and Healing. Brushton, NY: TEACH Services, 1997. Print.

8 Ways to Expose Yourself to Earth’s Healing Negative Ions

Along with placing ourselves in nature settings teeming with negative ions, here are some other creative activities you can do to generate negative ions right in your home or office environment:

Burn beeswax candles; they are said to clean the air, produce negative ions and assist with allergy and asthma reduction.

Operate a Himalayan salt lamp wherever you spend a good deal of time in your home; they counteract the electronic vibrations and excessive positive ions caused by electronic devices in the home; it reduces pollutants, irritants and allergens from the air.

Run an indoor fountain; the force or energy of falling or splashing water causes the neutral particles in air to split which frees electrons to attach to other air molecules resulting in negative ions.

Have amethyst and tourmaline crystals nearby or wear them; tourmaline is believed to convert moisture from the air to negative ions; amethyst is considered to be similar in nature.

Surround yourself with plants; they clean the air by taking in carbon dioxide and breathing out fresh oxygen and many negative ions; some plants release higher levels of negative ions than others (best choices are chrysanthemum, coconut palm, gerbera, spider plant and weeping fig.

Use radiant heating from far infrared devices (they warm the body and not the air) and emit negative ions.

Sit in front of bon- or hearth fires; they creative negative ions, too.

Walk barefoot or use earthing/grounding inserts in your shoes; try earthing sandals (checkout; coming into direct contact with Earth, your body is suffused with negative ions and aligns to the same electric energy level as the earth.

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