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Earth: The Day, The Mother and the Element

Apr 18, 2024

With Earth Day 2017 cited for April 22 and the beginning of the Earth element/energetic “between seasons” period (according to Chinese medicine), beginning April 18, now is the time to start thinking more about Earth as surrogate Mother, nurturing and worthy of our deepest respect and love.

The season of Earth is a time to honor not just the Earth as surrogate mother who literally sustains our lives, but also to honor ourselves. This special time approaches reminding us to care about our environment and others, yes, but also to take time for ourselves with nurturing, loving self-care.

PHYTO5 skincare wouldn’t exist without the Earth. Its blends of essential oils and extracts derived from plants, flowers, and herbs, its marine ingredients and the clays we use so obviously all come right from the Earth. How wonderful it is to have the great fortune to know about these products, to have access to them, and to be able to enjoy them in our daily lives!

There are many practices we can engage in during this balancing Earth energetic season, and this is an exciting time to explore them and to be fully grounded and prepared for the jolt of the powerful yang energetic Summer (beginning May 6).

As one practice, why not further explore the seasonal energetic skincare line that best addresses any imbalance you are experiencing with your skin? If you’re not experiencing any imbalance, then go with the product line of the current energetic season.

“Energetic” skincare means that the products are not merely working at the level of the skin, but they also are working at the level of your unseen vital energy flow. Vital energy is vibrational. The flow has a specific rhythm with a measurable vibratory frequency, not unlike electricity. As a case in point, when a person goes into cardiac arrest, the emergency technicians stop the fibrillation of the heart by administering a controlled electric shock to encourage restoration of the heart’s normal rhythm.

The high grade essential oils used in Phyto 5 have a vibratory frequency, too. So do all of nature’s plant-life forms, but the uniqueness of the product formulation is the use of natural essential oils that have the specific frequencies that blended together according to the formulation principles of the 5-Element Theory produce the highest possible balancing frequency for each of the five aspects or elements of vital energy. In fact, the higher the vibratory frequency, the more potent the product. In this regard, PHYTO5 products are unmatched. They are unique and proven by their results.

There is no way a purely chemical skincare product can nourish, nurture and sustain the skin in a real and meaningful way. They only provide very low vibratory frequency incapable of lending more life to the recipient.

PHYTO5’s energetic skincare is all about life. All about life sustaining vibrations. All about balancing vital energy.

If you love the planet, love yourself by embracing all she has to offer you. PHYTO5 makes your skincare easy by presenting Earth’s healing high vibrations to you on a silver platter.

One of the most meaningful ways we can honor Mother Earth is by living in harmony as best we can when each energetic season arrives, and all throughout each season. The seasons bring changes. They inspire us to embrace variety in our lives through new experiences that will enrich how we live life.

Why not try to align ourselves with Earth now during this 18 day period of transition between the Wood season and the Fire season?

Watch for  upcoming emails and look at past Earth season oriented blog posts by clicking on the term “Earth” tag in the side bar on the right.



We are inspired by many authors when writing on the vital energy subject, but in particular, by:

  1. Haas, Elson M. Staying Healthy with the Seasons. Berkeley: Celestial Arts, 2003. Print.
  2. Beinfield, Harriet, and Efrem Korngold. Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine. New York: Ballantine, 1992. Print.
  3. Elias, Jason, and Katherine Ketcham. The Five Elements of Self-healing: Using Chinese Medicine for Maximum Immunity, Wellness, and Health. New York: Harmony, 1998. Print.
  4. Gerber, Richard. Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves. Santa Fe, NM: Bear, 1996. Print.
  5. The abundant writings of Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Need assistance choreographing your Elemental Balance? Schedule a one-on-one, learn the basics of your Elemental Design! 

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